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Wednesday, January 1, 2014



Now, I’ll try to write my first journal in English class in magistery. Actually I feel confuse about what should I wrote here. But, Mr. Andreas give us some clues about it, he said that the journal consist of what happened, what I felt and what I learnt. Ok, I’ll describe it.
First, what happened yesterday, yeah, like a first meeting class generally. There are indroduction, class contract and so on. Then, what I felt? I felt new hope. Yeah, new hope, because I like English so much because in the late time, I really felt, that English very useful and open much chance for me. From English, I got special chances very much which never I got if I didn’t conquere it. Yeah, like got wide Information from various journal, magazine and internet articles, got wide friendship network around the world, got chances to join scholarship and other program etc.
That I called new hope. I hope, although just in little short semester, we will increase our English capability so we could get more chances to make us developing. So, I hope Mr. Andreas and Mr. Supriyadi  will guide us patiently . Thank you.

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