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Thursday, January 9, 2014



         Mr Andreas started his class with told us about his experience, actually his problem. He asked us about what will we do, if we were him? If we invited by goverment (Dirjen Dikti) to be a speaker in a seminar and then we got an envelope (money), what will we do? We say thank and leaving without open the envelope or we say thank, open the envelope and check the money? Mostly choosen option a include me. Just four students choosen option b. It was so clear, because as Javanese we are so polite, option b is unpolite attitude for us.
            But it was not about polite or unpolite attitude. It was about trust and honest. Because the money on the envelope uncomplete and  it was not first time happened. He was so angry and disappointed, not about the money, but about the trust and honest. They were from education institution, and they also highly educated, but their behave it was not educated. It was so ironic for him. So, Mr Andreas hoped, in future, we will not only make our students clever but also make sure our students have good character. We should dedicating our life to educate our students well.
            Hemh, this is my last journal of English class. Actually I am so sad, because I love this class so much. I love learning English, and I feel still need much lesson to improve my English skill. I think Mr Andreas is very great lecture. He is not only using a great learning method, change our learning mindset, but also give us great motivations.  He is so inspiring me. I hope I can be like him, to be an inspirative and professional educator. Thank Sir.

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