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Friday, August 30, 2013


* essays for LPDP scholarship applications ​​( Institute of Education Fund Management )

The definition of success is actually very relative. There are many versions about the definition of this word . There are assessing the success seen from the performance indicated by the number of trophies, certificates and other rewards, there are views of the large amount of material ( money and property ) that was compiled , there are views of the level of popularity, and there are views of the achievement of their personal obsession each.

Alright, I 'll try to judge my success seen from these parameters. From achievement, although I felt my achievements are not great, but Alhamdulillah I 've won some competition from the local to the national level , in exact and non-exact.

From my richness, maybe I have not been able to be a success. During the work, the money I earn only able to finance my studies through finish. There was no savings or property can I keep current.

If the views of popularity, I guess I was not too popular because I was not national figures or celebrities who frequently appeared in the media. I might just quite popular at school and my college, also in my organizations community that I follow from the district / city level to provincial level .

Meanwhile, if viewed from the achievement of personal obsession, although many obsessions that have not been achieved, however, Alhamdulillah, with the intention, hard work and never ending prayer, there are many obsession I have achieved, even exceeded my target pairs. Because I have principles, although men are born with equally potential, but it is not wise to measure our achievement with others achievement.

But it was not the biggest success that I have presented above. My biggest success is closely related with organizations ( bonds ) that have accompanied periods of my youth. The bond that has taught me to be a skilled, knowledgeable, pious and noble teenager. The bond that taught me to always worship the Almighty God, my parents, my family and my country. So I feel for how to live peacefully in accordance religious moral values​​, and to feel loved and cherished family as children grow into their proud ( without smoking, drug and freesex ). This bond has formed me into the person ( even a speck ) is useful for the community. So I feel accepted and respected by the people wherever I stand. Even I had felt how the community felt the loss when one day I should to leave them .

The success I have achieved, the results of my efforts are not inherently private, but the result of a variety of great hands who have always supported and helped me. Hands of parents, my family, my friends, and other hands. And certainly I am aware, all of this is destiny and sustenance that Allah has bestowed upon me . Praise be to Allah .

Muhamad Taufik Hidayat
Elementary Science Education (Magistery)
Semarang State University

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